If Feilida ships you the wrong part or defective parts, Feilida will give you a full refund and you do not need to return the part

If a package is lost in transit and has not been delivered, Feilida will give you a full refund

30 Days no questions asked return policy.

If you ordered the wrong item(s) by mistake or you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason,you can return the part for a refund. As long as you return a part within 30 days of delivery of your order.you are responsible for shipping charges of returned parts.returned parts must be:

  • has not been damaged
  • has not been used
  • has not changed its exterior looks
  • has not been installed on a vehicle

Want to return? Please Contact Us

Have a look at our Help Center to find out more about you order, return or any other questions you may have